Streaming video content involves various technical processes that can affect the user’s experience, particularly regarding latency or delay between the video source and the viewer. These processes include encoding and packaging the video content, uploading it to a content delivery network (CDN), propagating the content across different caches, delivering it to the user’s device, and buffering the video in the player.

Content delivery networks frequently deliver content at scale, which can introduce additional latency as content propagates between different aches. The user’s network connection, such as connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot or using a mobile connection, also impacts latency. The player buffer is another component that can affect latency, as video players need to buffer media to ensure smooth playback. Optimizing these technical processes can go a long way in improving the streaming experience and minimizing latency issues.

In this Myelin Whitepaper on Video Streaming: Latency – Impact & Solutions, you will learn about the different types of latency, from different types of content and various ways in which we can tackle.

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